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concorde simu
Tenues aéronautiques
Maquettes Concorde
Identifications Pièces
Instruments Concorde
Portraits Aéronautiques
Actualité Aviation & Concorde
Vols de François

concorde Chavenay


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Let’s introduce myself : My name is François, passionate about aviation
How old am I ?
Simple, I was born 2 years after Concorde first flight, in 1971

Funny coincidence, the year I was born, the post calendar had this cover.


Why did I choose to realise a Concorde Flight Simulator, first of all?
Because, …and that’s all. ( to make it short) 


No ? You want to know more ?
So, to tell you everything about my passion for aviation, what particularly interests me in Concorde, is its technical aspect which is very pleasant to study, a synthesis so to speak, because it is complex. 
Besides, in terms of performances, how does Concorde compare to other planes?
To no other precisely
Once there was the TU-144, civil supersonic plane too, but the adventure was quickly shortened, moreover there were many differences between them.


What is unique with Concorde, is the fact that it combines many singularities
Because, considering each specificity, of course we can find much better, but one plane adding them all, then the list decreases considerably.


Concorde, contrary to other airliners, never has a totally stabilized cruising altitude
It regularly happens that it goes slightly below before going even upper if parameters vary, simply because this top-of-class racer was conceived for top performance and so flies at the maximum level thrust.
This planes defies all logical laws, the slower it flies, the more it consumes fuel, and the more it decreases its range
In a usual airliner, we fear that passengers get cold at 30.000 ft
In Concorde, because of kinetic heating, we try to cool them, whereas outside it’s freezing (yes it’s brass monkeys!)
To turn around, Concorde needs a turn radius of more than 50 km, once at full speed
This aircraft goes faster than any other liner when taking-off, in less than 25 seconds after full engine power and brake release.
Its wing, because of the uneven heating between the inside and the outside of the structure, tends to warp, even very slightly at Mach 2, getting a new profile, optimized over time between prototypes and the following Concorde, aiming to reach a higher performance.
Despite the lack of flaps, leading edge, or airbrakes, the Concorde complex shaped wing, is in reality many wings in one: aerodynamically speaking
As a matter of fact, the conception (ah, Servanty, such a genious !) of all the profiles located across the wing are optimized according to incidences and the speeds on the entire flight envelope.


Also I can mention the esthetic aspect, based on math operations
If you never saw Concorde flying, don’t discuss Concorde!
Indeed “Père François”, you have a definitive position on the subject!
That’s right, I do think that if you never saw Concorde flying (not mentioning photos or videos, nothing compares to reality), I tell you frankly, you really missed something!
Because among all planes (civil planes and airliners), this one offers such a unique spectacle!
The vortex on the tip of its wings are so magnificent when landing, and a plane saluting with its nose or pitching nose-up (during the landing, the nose is very high, because a big delta wing must touch down), this is very uncommon, and is more spectacular than mere transport.
Even the airport personnel, used to seeing planes all day long, often raised their head to admire Concorde show, that’s a sign.
And it wasn’t just because of the noise… (Laughter)


Did I convince you ?
Gosh !...


However you should know that once passed my private pilot licence, I built this first basic small simulator, to explore some of the flight conditions.


Premier simulateur générique Simulateur


Having in mind to fulfil another significantly more performing flight simulator, I first hesitated, but not very long, between the characteristics of an airliner or military plane performances.
I chose the only one performing the « two », which is….???
- Concorde.
- Congratulations, we’re progressing !
- So, so… 


Do you know a lot of planes that offer the possibility to catch up the setting sun?
A plane that offers the possibility to follow a total solar eclipse, during the record elapsed time of 1 hour and 13 minutes, whereas this phenomenon on the ground barely lasts 4 or 5 minutes?
A mode of transportation, that enables us to see the curvature of the Earth, or gives us a glimpse of the colour of the deeper space?

- Still skepticals ?
- Indeed.
- Ouch ! and what about your heart…

Well, anyway I pushed forward with the build of a Concorde flight simulator, scale 1, nearly entirely operational (that’s the ultimate goal), which looks like this nowadays:


Simu Concorde


Loving the piloting art, this seemed to me the most evident, and the most realistic way, even if it’s just a simulator, to study the wonderful teamwork, on such a wonderful machine, ahead of its time.
This project also gives me the chance to learn through professionals or “lovers” experiences.


In fact, I am no longer trying to convince you.
One last remark about Concorde : you certainly read this entire page in 2 or 3 minutes
No place for improvisation on Concorde, or approximations of this kind, because during 2 or 3 minutes, it is either 72 or 108 km flown.
The teams of this plane know this too well, it is a job, and precisely their jobs interest me utmost



So, Everything concords and it is so enjoyable…




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